
How to create an effective B2B website from start to finish

1. Start by creating Buyer Personas

If you've already launched your B2B PPC campaign, you know what we're talking about. Chances are that most of your leads are not high quality.

This is because your PPC campaigns are often not targeting the right people. Which brings us to this question: do you know your customers? If the answer isn't yes, chances are you're not targeting them correctly.
Ask yourself this question: What does your best customer look like? Don't know? Then it's time to find out by creating a buyer persona.

We recommend creating a buyer persona before launching PPC campaigns. A buyer persona is a representation of your ideal customer. You can arrive at this representation by using data and research from past customers and by gathering information on your landing page.

By creating a buyer persona, you'll get a better understanding of the type of customers you want to attract. This alone is incredibly important for creating effective B2B PPC campaigns that generate better B2B PPC leads, not to mention that better campaigns can help your ad's overall quality score and search engine ranking.

2. Quality over quantity

improve ppc quality scoreAll right, you have created your buyer personas using data and research from existing customers. However, when you collect data about your current and prospective customers, do you simply ask for their name, phone number and email address? That's exactly what most people do, and it's time to tell the harsh truth: it's not enough.

When gathering data about your customers, ask qualifying questions. Here are some examples:

How old are they?
How often do they buy for themselves or for their company?
Do you plan to buy in the next month? six months? a year?
What do you like about your current products?
What are your interests?
Which companies influence them?

These questions provide critical information for your buyer personas, but remember:
Lead generation is a game of quality over quantity. A smaller number of high quality leads will move the needle more than a large quantity of low quality leads.

There are some easy ways to work on this goal. Make sure you use proper keyword targeting in your B2B PPC advertising strategy to avoid wasting valuable clicks on the wrong type of keywords (this also helps your ad quality score). The better your keyword targeting, the better your B2B PPC B2B leads will be.

For those who are not highly qualified leads, the data collection process itself can qualify leads for you. For example, you can reject free or spammy email domains, which ensures that anyone who wants to send your information uses a custom domain name (a standard for business email addresses) or additional information (such as company name). Taking these steps will reduce the total number of mailings you will receive, but the mailings will be of higher quality and will also provide more context about the buyer's potential needs before contacting.

Be sure to apply an effective lead scoring model to properly gauge the viability of each lead. A thorough and repeatable scoring process is one of the best ways to assess which of your MQLs will be ready to become value-generating SQL.

It's all about ad targeting.

Now that you have a representation of your ideal customer, you can use this information to target similar customers through your PPC campaign. The information you have gathered will now help you make your PPC campaigns more specific with audience segmentation. You are no longer targeting just any customer. You know exactly who you want to attract and can now adjust the ad content and audience targeting settings as well as the landing page copy to appeal to these specific customers. Implementing these changes can also help your organic search engine rankings.

4. Demonstrate how your products and services solve your Persona's problems.

Now that you know who your ideal customer is, it's time to focus on what you can offer them. You've discovered the problems and challenges that affect your buyers; now your job is to show them how what you offer is the answer to their prayers...Ask yourself these questions as you review your copy, images, if applicable, and landing page text:

Are you making it clear to them what problems your products and/or services solve?
Do you talk about your customers' weaknesses?

In other words, your ad copy and landing page copy must be good and compelling, contextual to the personal experiences of your buyers. Often, your ideal customer doesn't know that your company exists or that it can help them. Your job is to make it clear what solutions you offer and how you will improve their lives.

Put yourself in your customers' shoes and ask yourself:

Why would I want this product or service?
How will this offer help me in life or business?
What common problems will this product or service help me solve?
How have other companies benefited from this service?

Educate your potential customers about the advantages of your services in your ad. By answering these questions for them, they are more likely to become quality leads.

5. Target top-of-funnel (TOF) leads with an educational campaign.

Another option to gather more quality leads is to test different types of PPC campaigns. For example, most PPC ads have a conversion goal of a sale. If that type of ad isn't bringing in the best leads, you may want to consider an ad created for the sole purpose of educating, and whose long-term goal is to generate high-quality PPC leads knowing that a higher percentage of those will eventually convert to sales.
