
Web design best practices: About us page

Why you need an about us page

There are many sources people can turn to when they need information about your company. From social media pages to news articles, there is probably more than enough information already out there. So why do you need an "About Us" page with text longer than your Facebook bio?

1. Personalization: be a brand that appeals to people.

Businesses have learned the importance of personalization, but most focus only on offering customized services to customers. Don't forget to provide personalized information about your company.

This means going the extra mile to make your About Us page stand out.

Include real photos of your equipment in action
Ask your executives to write an authentic and thoughtful mission statement.
Let employees write their own biographies using their own voices.

When brands achieve this, customers more easily identify with the brand and incorporate it into their lives. Authenticity and storytelling have always been an important part of inbound marketing, and their importance has continued to grow.

Consumers-especially Gen Xers, Millennials and Generation Z-are increasingly interested in the brands they identify with, and personalized "About Us" information provides important context for your company. It gives them a peek behind the curtain, so to speak, which helps them feel confident about your brand and your values. The About Us page offers an excellent opportunity to build this necessary connection with your potential customers.

2. Highlight sustainability or other social responsibility efforts.

Along with the above, this is the page where you can highlight all the ways you are giving back or protecting the environment.

A study conducted in the United Kingdom and the United States revealed that 88% of consumers expect companies to help them lead a sustainable life.
Millennials have earned a reputation for "voting with their dollar," for putting their money where their values are. So if your company stands for something, be sure to use your "About Us" page to describe your principles and efforts.

Companies committed to sustainability can use the About Us page to explain these efforts. Everyone wins: companies can document their work to make the world a better place, and consumers looking for such companies can feel confident in their carefully researched choices.

3. Credibility

The newer the company, the more important it is to increase its credibility, and incorporating this aspect into the web design can help. Entrepreneurs can use the About Us page to provide social and qualification evidence. For example, a solar installation company may be only a year old. However, the workers may have at least 10 years of experience, and the owner may have worked in the industry or run a prominent company in the same field.

4. Information for the media

Have you ever Googled your name or your company's name and found that it appeared in articles you didn't even know about? Journalists don't always inform business owners that they have mentioned or written about them. This means they may never call you to answer your questions. An About Us page is an excellent one-stop shop for them to get all the information they need, and to get it right.

How to structure your about us page

Web Design

The structure of your About page is the main determinant of whether prospects will stay long enough to read it. A long, text-heavy page is sure to put even the most investigative journalist or curious customer to sleep. Here are some better alternatives.

1. Videos

The best way to tell a story is through a video. It can be something simple and eye-catching to draw readers in (as illustrated above on our own About page), but don't hesitate to be creative. A short, documentary-style video can present text-heavy information in a much more engaging way. The key is to stick to the highlights and omit any additional details that may not interest people.

2. Slide presentations

Companies with long and complex stories that they are proud of often use slideshows in their web design to document everything. This information is of particular interest to journalists and students. However, consumers may also find it interesting when rumors fly and they want to check the facts of the company's history and past holdings.

3. Infographics

Not many companies use infographics to showcase their story, and that's a shame. There are many creative ways to use infographics to organize information in a way that captures people's attention and imagination. The younger and more creative the target audience, the more effective this approach will be.

4. Photos

Creating videos, slideshows and infographics takes time. If you are short on time or money, photos are still a great way to get the job done. You can take photos of the entire team and then of each person. This can help personalize the business because buyers can match names with faces.

5. Text

Search engines are getting smarter and can recognize visual information. Still, nothing reads better than text. Consequently, for SEO purposes, it is important to include text in the web design, regardless of the format used. For example, some companies write a transcript of the "About Us" video.
